
BluFin has a passion to care for the most needy and vulnerable of society. These individuals are most often widows and children.


Our mission is to mobilize ordinary products for the extraordinary people in impoverished communities.

Village Heartbeat

Village Heartbeat is dedicated to helping remote tribal communities in Papua restore and maintain their spiritual and social heartbeat. It has the goal of strengthening these indigenous communities through identifying and training leaders who are dedicated to their communities, leaders who feel a personal responsibility to their people, and who will have the capacity and integrity to work together with interested partners or donors, thereby guaranteeing their community’s survival in this ever-changing world.


WoodWright Foundation

For 1 1 years, the WoodWright Foundation has financially partnered with organizations (globally) to provide safe and secure housing, quality education, and career opportunities for widows and street children. Their partners not only take widows and children off the streets, but they help them work toward their own sustainable and independent futures.


Sunshine Industries

Sunshine Industries provides people with disabilities the opportunity to work and live as independently as possible. Vocational training includes sheltered, transitional and community employment programs.


Fly Fishing Collaborative

The Fly Fishing Collaborative exists to use their passion for fly fishing for a good and just cause. They formed the Collaborative to mobilize the world’s fly fishing community to use the skills they have to provide women and children the protection and healing they need from the injustice of sex-trafficking. The money they raise at their local fly fishing events, the selling of their FFC branded products, and through generous giving is used to build sustainable Aquaponic Farms which provide resources to women and children who would otherwise become currency, literally needing to sell themselves as a livelihood, in a broken world.


Diabetes Daily Grind

The Diabetes Daily Grind is a non-profit, charitable 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to provide real support and resources for all people living with diabetes. We’re not promising a cure, but use our stories to help bridge the gap between the diabetes and medical community.


Foster Care

Foster care (also known as out-of-home care) is a temporary service provided by States for children who cannot live with their families. Children in foster care may live with relatives or unrelated foster parents. Foster care can also refer to placement settings such as group homes, residential care facilities, emergency shelters, and supervised independent living.


“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress” —James 1:27

We would love to chat with you about our Initiatives.


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